My eldest daughter and I were out thrift store shopping. She is learning ballroom dancing and needed some "eloquent" dresses to wear. You know the at the top, often with beads and bangles, jewels and other such sparkly things that a magpie would love to have. The bottoms have the irregular hemline with lots of flowing soft material that swirls around. These dresses are not cheap so we hunt for them. BINGO....first store. There were lots of them BUT (and of course there is always a but) they were not in her size. She tried on about 5 or 6 and started getting discouraged. She is a tiny little thing compared to me and wears maybe a size 6 maybe 8 depending on the cut and the dress maker. Anyway, these were all WAY to big.
Enter helpful salesperson. "Oh" she said when we said they were too big on her. "I have one in the window that may fit." Off she went to get it. Now I know I checked the windows out and couldn't think of one dress that would be suitable for dance. Back she came with the dress. Now....I am trying to be nice here. Remember that as I tell the rest of this story. This dress was not only butt ugly, it probably was a size 20 and I am not exaggerating. It was browny/beige and looked somewhat like a sack. A big sack at that and something or someone had left a errant deposit upon it. I politely said "No" and put it on a rack and explained to her what we needed the dress for. She picked it off the rack and handed it back to me and said it might be worth trying on anyway. Again I said "No" and added my daughter was small and this dress was too big and put it back on the rack. Now she started to annoy me. She added that it could be tailored where upon I said "It is not right". It is the wrong color, the wrong size and was cotton. Cotton just doesn't swirl in dance." "No". She would not give up. She insisted that if we added some pleats at the waist we could get extra material for the dress to "swish". I am now giving up any hope of remaining civil. I said "No" probably a little louder than I wanted to. Hoping beyond anything that this woman would finally get the hint that this was one sale she wasn't going to make. NOPE. I was wrong. She said that if we took the dress, she would take 10% off the price since we would have to have it altered. I knew beyond a doubt I was going to get snippy if I opened my mouth for anything more than a "No". Soooooo, I bit my tongue, and said no and turned away.
Give up.....NO WAY ON EARTH WAS SHE QUITTING..... Faster than a cheetah after a gazelle she had that dress whipped off the rack and over to my daughters dressing room. She handed it to her saying "just try it on." Just like you did when your kids were 7 years old. daughter let out a squeal that would make a mother pig proud. "Mom, that is the UGLIEST dress ever" (cause she thought it was me that handed the dress in). I thought the poor woman was going to burst of embarrassment. Now if the dress had been the color of her face it might have had something going for it.
In retrospect, I know the woman was trying to help but got in the way and was trying so hard she forgot what we needed. I also don't blame her for trying to get the dress out of the door. It really was horrid. If I had owned the store it a) wouldn't have gotten through the door and b) would have made it out the door in the garbage can....immediately.
Hey if you click on her blog it tells you all about it :) I linked it on my blog. You just e-mail her and you can vote for me! Thank You so very much for your l♥ve and support!
haha! I bet there's some competition in the store for the salesperson that can sell that hideous thing!
aw you poor could use a drink NOW!!!
Why are there never sales people who are just right? They are either too pushy or never around.
Honestly! I either get NO customer service or ridiculous (although not usually as bad as your experience!) service. What is up with the sales people these days?!?! There's such a thing as the middle ground -- and it's a really great place :)
So... did you buy my sister the outfit?
*snort* *giggle* hee hee!!
Some people just don't know when to quit. Great story though : )
OMG, she does sound persistant! I cannot stand pushy people... UGH
I agree. It sounds like she was desperate to get rid of it...sounds like for good reason. At least she finally got it when your daughter "said" something. LOL.
I can't believe the sales person was so pushy like that. To have you say no so many times AND still to take it to your daughter. She must have liked the dress herself. Sheesh.
You are much nicer than me! I would have strangled her with the stupid dress and thrown her back in the front window! lol!
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